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The Unicorn Playbook Volume 2

Non-traditional approaches, exponential results.

Discover the unique nuances of our interviewees’ approaches to finance and accounting across three very different companies that are blitzscaling in tandem.

three shapes

Hear from the experts.

  • Unique insights into what it takes from an accounting and finance perspective to reach unicorn status (a billion-dollar valuation as a private company).
  • Discussions surrounding ownership of processes, pre-revenue operations, how to hire before going to market, and the importance of hiring quality key leaders early.
  • A walk-through of our interviewees’ dynamic approaches to building finance departments from the ground up.
  • Non-traditional approaches to systems and processes — for example, implementing an ERP in the early stages.


Pedro Barros

Pedro Barros

VP of Finance at Remote

Pedro moved into the venture capital world as Partner at BlueCrow Capital Ltd, simultaneously acting as an Advisor to the startup studio Build Up Labs in Lisbon, Portugal. In 2017, Pedro stepped into the Head of Finance role at Codacy, eventually moving to VP of Strategy and Operations. Since 2020, Pedro has been with Remote acting first as Head of Finance and eventually as VP of Finance.

Praveer Melwani

Praveer Melwani

Head of Business Operations and Finance at Figma

Praveer was the first finance and business operations leader at Figma, and has since donned many hats as the company continues to grow exponentially. Beginning his career in investment banking at Union Square Advisors, he also previously held operations and finance roles at NerdWallet (Business Operations) and Dropbox (Strategic Finance).

Kenny Mendes

Kenny Mendes

Head of people at Coda

Kenny Mendes has moved through finance, operations, and people teams. He yields a catalog of experience and insights as a result. As one of Coda’s earliest employees, he helped the company grow from a private beta to a product used by more than 25,000 teams globally. Kenny has jumped into everything from team-building, fundraising, and customer development.

What you’ll find in this ebook:

As we dig deeper into the mechanics of the unicorn landscape, a less traditional blueprint emerges. Surviving without a formal finance department through the early stages, our interviewees persevered and took early risks with unicorn aspirations. A non-traditional mindset that differs between what’s right versus what’s familiar is a trait they all share. Read this set of interviews to find out how that mindset took them to unicorn status.

How it can help you.

Those that were interviewed share the capacity to see past traditional finance role definitions and think like business partners, investors, leaders, innovators, and creators all at once.

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